Academic Program

Monday May 23
East Oak Room

12.30 pm Welcome to the IJ-8 Academic Track
Kirsten Mogensen, University of Roskilde, IJ-8 Academic Chair
Turo Uskali, University of Jyväskylä, IJ-8 Academic Review Committee Chair
David Nordfors, Stanford University, IJ-8 Chair

12.45 pm Opening keynote: Henry Etzkowitz "The Triple Helix" and David Nordfors "From the Fourth Estate to the Fourth Helix and the Innovation Communication System"

10 min. break

1.30 pm: Bettina Maisch "The Dimensions of Trust - Building Confidence through Innovation Communication" (paper co-authored with Jochen Binder, Beat Schmid and Larry Leifer).

1.50 pm: Ronald K. Raymond and Yixin Lu: "Reporting on the Reporters: Facebook and Journalists"

2.10  pm: Break

2.20 pm: Turo Uskali: “Ubiquitous Computing in News Media"

2.40 pm: Astrid Gynnild:"Computational exploration and innovation in journalism"

3 pm: Jari Kaivo-oja: “The World Wide Web and the new eco -systemic PFI structures emerging: How global ubiquitous revolution in the world is going to happen?”

3.20 pm Break

4 pm: Garl-Gustav Lindén: “A Social Experiment in Innovation Journalism: Four years with Finjo”

4.20 pm: Oddgeir Tveiten: “Models of innovation journalism: A literature appraisal of global journalism as a social force"

4.40 pm: “The Prinjos” – The Best IJ-8 Academic Track Papers
One paper in each of the following three categories will receive a recognition for “Best Paper at the Innovation Journalism Conference at Stanford 2011”:
1. The Grand Prinjo: best conference paper among all submissions.
2. The Junior Prinjo: best paper submitted by graduate students.
3. The Journalist Prinjo: best paper submitted by practitioners.

7 pm  
Dinner for participants in academic track and Stanford academics.
The dinner is sponsored by